Wednesday April 3rd, 2019 Luke 9:10-17
"We have no more than five loaves and two fish-unless we are to go and buy food for all these people." (verse 13)
As a large family with six children living on a farm, there were times groceries ran low until our parents could get into town. Fortunately, my father was an amazing chef, and as he scoured the cupboards, he would ask us to go bring in a few carrots, potatoes, dill, and even eggs from the chicken coop. I would ask him what was for supper, and his answer would be, “Something out of nothing!” We would wonder what this meant until each time an interesting meal would appear, as if miraculously to us, on the table. We got to look forward to “something out of nothing” for supper!
A similar situation existed in Jesus’ day where he miraculously fed five thousand people. Jesus showed he is the true bread from heaven that can satisfy our deep hunger. He first-hand displayed God’s great love, abundant generosity and kindness towards us with more than we need so we may share with others. Like my father, who could make “something out of nothing,” God takes the little we have and multiplies it for the good of all.
*Jehovah Jireh means “The Lord will provide.”
Jehovah Jireh*, help me always give you something to bless and multiply as you are the great provider. Amen. — MDB
Contributed by Something out of nothing
As a large family with six children living on a farm, there were times groceries ran low until our parents could get into town. Fortunately, my father was an amazing chef, and as he scoured the cupboards, he would ask us to go bring in a few carrots, potatoes, dill, and even eggs from the chicken coop. I would ask him what was for supper, and his answer would be, "Something out of nothing!" We would wonder what this meant until each time an interesting meal would appear, as if miraculously to us, on the table. We got to look forward to "something out of nothing" for supper!
A similar situation existed in Jesus' day where he miraculously fed five thousand people. Jesus showed he is the true bread from heaven that can satisfy our deep hunger. He first-hand displayed God's great love, abundant generosity and kindness towards us with more than we need so we may share with others. Like my father, who could make "something out of nothing," God takes the little we have and multiplies it for the good of all.
*Jehovah Jireh means "The Lord will provide."