Friday March 22nd, 2019 Psalm 63:1-8
My soul is satisfied?when I?meditate on you in the watches of the night? (verse 5)
Here we are, in the middle of Lent Halfway through the journey to the cross Midway along the road of discipline, and repentance And self-denial
And we are confronted this day with a psalm Which doesn’t quite feel like any of that This one feels more like A dance A dance toward Easter
Oh, sure, there are bumps along the way There is the deep thirst which no drink satisfies And the waterless desert which makes it worse (verse 1) There are the “night watches” when sleep won’t come (verse 6) And this endless, eternal seeking (verse 1)
Nevertheless, this psalm dances us toward Easter Toward hope and restoring light and new life Accepting “what is” Because the biggest part of “what is” Is the presence of the One who brings us to the dance In the first place (verse 7)
God of cross, God of dance, may our repentance be a never-ending pirouette. Amen. — RAP
Contributed by Holy Disconnect
Here we are, in the middle of Lent Halfway through the journey to the cross Midway along the road of discipline, and repentance And self-denial
And we are confronted this day with a psalm Which doesn't quite feel like any of that This one feels more like A dance A dance toward Easter
Oh, sure, there are bumps along the way There is the deep thirst which no drink satisfies And the waterless desert which makes it worse (verse 1) There are the "night watches" when sleep won't come (verse 6) And this endless, eternal seeking (verse 1)
Nevertheless, this psalm dances us toward Easter Toward hope and restoring light and new life Accepting "what is" Because the biggest part of "what is" Is the presence of the One who brings us to the dance In the first place (verse 7)