In this rather difficult passage, the Israelites were facing the threats, real and imagined, of war and potential destruction at the hands of their enemies. Isaiah is admonishing the Israelites to continue to trust in God for their salvation and deliverance.
They had suffered much at the hands of their enemies and their future didn’t look promising. In spite of some of the dire circumstances surrounding them, verse 12 suggests that they needed to focus on something other than what others were focussing on. Isaiah encourages them not to fear what others fear or to be in dread.
How relevant to our world today! So much talk of conspiracies. So much to fear. So much to dread. IF we didn’t have hope in an eternal God who has promised to be with us always. This God who had proven to be faithful to the Israelites in the past would prove to be faithful in their future days. This same God has promised to be faithful to us.
God, as we look at the craziness in our world, we choose to place our hope and faith in you. Thank you for your promised presence and peace so we need not fear or be in dread of anything. Amen. — KGT