Sunday November 18th, 2018 26th Sunday after Pentecost Mark 13:1-8
Then Jesus began to say to them, "Beware?" (verse 5)
Passages like this are challenging to wrestle with. We could spend hours understanding the cultural context of Jesus’ words, the literature of the time, and what events led to this dialogue. That kind of study would really assist in our understanding. But for today’s purposes, we will suspend the need for further study (for now) and look for the heart of this passage as we go into our day.
Despite the apocalyptic tone of the passage, the loving Jesus we know remains true. With his friends and disciples, he shares the difficult truth: Yes, there will be suffering; yes, it’s just the beginning; no, I won’t/can’t tell you when. Do not be alarmed.
We have reflected quite a bit this week on suffering. Here, at the end of our week together, this passage serves as another reminder that no matter the trials or temptations we face in our world, God is present in it. No matter how hopeless things appear, there is new life yet to come.
God who calms our fears, may we know your presence even in our fear and be witness to the new life you bring. Amen. — AB
Contributed by Do Not Be Alarmed
Passages like this are challenging to wrestle with. We could spend hours understanding the cultural context of Jesus' words, the literature of the time, and what events led to this dialogue. That kind of study would really assist in our understanding. But for today's purposes, we will suspend the need for further study (for now) and look for the heart of this passage as we go into our day.
Despite the apocalyptic tone of the passage, the loving Jesus we know remains true. With his friends and disciples, he shares the difficult truth: Yes, there will be suffering; yes, it's just the beginning; no, I won't/can't tell you when. Do not be alarmed.
We have reflected quite a bit this week on suffering. Here, at the end of our week together, this passage serves as another reminder that no matter the trials or temptations we face in our world, God is present in it. No matter how hopeless things appear, there is new life yet to come.