Tuesday October 30th, 2018 Isaiah 25:6-9
On this mountain the LORD of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines, of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear. (verse 6)
We all have had a personal crisis or are now going through a life storm. We pray to God asking “Why?” And there seems to be no answer. If so, we’re just like Job. After the death of his children, losing his fortune and listening to critical friends, in ashes and rags, Job asked God the “Why” question. God spoke to Job, not his friends, but to Job. Instead of words of consolation, God asked unanswerable questions, showing Job he had no right or understanding to call for the reason for all his trials. Tough love! Before God’s arrival, Job felt abandoned. But God was there and by their conversation, physically present. Job felt reassured, loved like an erring child with his loving father.
Help us, O God, to see your vision of grace both for the future and now, and bring us to the feast you offer to all people through the redeemer. Amen. — MHD
Contributed by Life-filled grace!
We all have had a personal crisis or are now going through a life storm. We pray to God asking "Why?" And there seems to be no answer. If so, we're just like Job. After the death of his children, losing his fortune and listening to critical friends, in ashes and rags, Job asked God the "Why" question. God spoke to Job, not his friends, but to Job. Instead of words of consolation, God asked unanswerable questions, showing Job he had no right or understanding to call for the reason for all his trials. Tough love! Before God's arrival, Job felt abandoned. But God was there and by their conversation, physically present. Job felt reassured, loved like an erring child with his loving father.