As we move closer to the Thanksgiving weekend, we are given an Old Testament scripture full of rich messages and gifts for which to be thankful. First, let us give thanks for the prophets of long ago who foretold of the Son of God who would come to be our Saviour.
Next, let us give thanks for the Word. That Word takes us from Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning?” to Revelation 22:21 “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen.” In between these first and last Bible verses, we have sixty-six books full of history, prophecy, discipleship, miracles and parables. Messages of compassion, hope and unconditional love.
Third, we give thanks for the gift of Jesus, who, we are told, for a time became lower than the angels and was subjected to suffering and death on our behalf. He came so that we might be brought into the glorious company of angels. Salvation, the only thing that really matters along this journey of life, is offered to all, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. A gift from God for the people of God!
Thank you, God, for the gifts of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. May we be willing to share these gifts with all as we continue our earthly journey. Amen. — ES