Who doesn’t like chips? What wouldn’t you do for a Doritos©? Maybe you have seen the commercial were the father-to-be is eating Doritos© at the ultra-sound and the unborn baby starts to follow and reach for the salty chip. Salt makes food taste good. These days I watch my salt intake. That is a good thing, right?
But Jesus says salt is good. (verse 50) I don’t think he is talking about NaCl (sodium chloride-common salt) but rather about faith, a salty faith that is full of flavour, faith that tastes good, faith that gives flavour to the whole world. Now who wouldn’t want that? Who wouldn’t want to be that?
We come to your table to taste and see that the Lord is good. Help me to share that taste through my salty faith and give flavour to the world around me each and every day. Amen. — SJ