We have never been slaves. Wait a minute, what about Moses, Pharaoh, Passover and the exodus? That is a major theme in the Hebrew story. Slaves!
What about today, with iPods, iPhones and iPads? Now there is even a collective term: iDevice. It is almost like a religion. Several moviemakers have shown heads-down people walking around, disconnected from the world as if they were zombies. Slaves and zombies! The “i” in the word iDevice, comes from words like individual or identity, and many would add internalized. We have become addicted to these machines. Slaves to the device.
But listen, “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” (verse 36) Isn’t that Jesus, our iGod who has become the individual connection to the Father/Creator. The son, our iGod, does set us free from all forms of slavery to society, world systems, even the device. No longer slaves!
Loving God, my personal God, my inspiration, set me free from all addictions and distractions. Help me keep you as my focus. Help me keep connected to the world around me, the world you created. Amen. — SJ