In yesterday’s reading, we read David’s words of praise and adoration to God. We read that David’s God-our God-is gracious and merciful. God is full of love and compassion.
If God was not kind, if God was not merciful, if God was not gracious, perhaps we would have cause for fear and complaining. But when we come to understand and truly believe that God is a being of infinite compassion and mercy, who tenderly cares for us, God’s children, we can relax. We can rest. We can thank God all the time and for everything that is going on in our lives.
Regardless of what life may be throwing your way now or has thrown at you in the past, rest assured that you are loved by an omnipotent, omniscient God who tenderly cares for you. God is full of mercy. God is gracious. God is worthy of your trust and praise.
God, sometimes life doesn't make sense, and it's easy to take our eyes off you and forget that you care. Remind us of who you are, a loving, caring, all-powerful God who has chosen us to be your children. Help us to rest in that knowledge. Fill us with thanksgiving and praise as a result. Amen. — KGT