Sunday July 29th, 2018 10th Sunday after Pentecost John 6:1-21
Philip answered him, "Six months' wages would not buy enough bread for each of them to get a little." (verse 7)
How often do you worry, or worse yet, let fear take hold of you when facing a challenging problem? I must admit that while I try to keep a calm exterior and head into battle with multiple lists, I can be quite a worrier.
For example, consider that big event at work that needs to come together yesterday, under budget and with multiple lines of approval, that has suddenly appeared on your desk. Lists provide some aid, but at times they are just organized worry in black and white. As the disciples struggled with the problem of feeding 5,000 people, they immediately turned to listing and it did not get them very far.
But then Jesus stepped in and demonstrated the power of faith-no list required. It all started with giving thanks to God, and abundance overflowed into twelve baskets of leftovers.
When we try to control the situation ourselves, worry and fear are our companions. But as the disciples learned, if we turn to God even in the middle of our personal challenges, God will take away our fear and lead us forth in strength.
Dear Lord, when we are overwhelmed by worry and fear, gently remind us to look to you. Amen. — CS
Contributed by Lists Not Required
How often do you worry, or worse yet, let fear take hold of you when facing a challenging problem? I must admit that while I try to keep a calm exterior and head into battle with multiple lists, I can be quite a worrier.
For example, consider that big event at work that needs to come together yesterday, under budget and with multiple lines of approval, that has suddenly appeared on your desk. Lists provide some aid, but at times they are just organized worry in black and white. As the disciples struggled with the problem of feeding 5,000 people, they immediately turned to listing and it did not get them very far.
But then Jesus stepped in and demonstrated the power of faith-no list required. It all started with giving thanks to God, and abundance overflowed into twelve baskets of leftovers.
When we try to control the situation ourselves, worry and fear are our companions. But as the disciples learned, if we turn to God even in the middle of our personal challenges, God will take away our fear and lead us forth in strength.