Saturday July 21st, 2018 Ephesians 4:11-22
But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ? (verse 15)
I’ve learned that many of us understand truth telling differently. Some weigh their words carefully in order not to offend. Others say nothing at all if they think the truth won’t improve a situation. Then there are those who will say whatever they think, no matter who hears it or how it might damage others. It reminds me of this shrewd social media comment: “Do you remember when people had diaries and got mad if someone read them. Now they put everything online and get mad when people don’t.”
What truths does the author of Ephesians want God’s people to share? Could it be that growing up into Christ means honestly sharing our stories, our concerns and questions, our joys and sorrows? Telling the truth about our experience of Christ’s redeeming work in the world, of how life looks under that truth, admitting how we need to grow and inviting others to do the same, enables us to see others as lovable and loving partners as we grow into a community willing to care for the whole world.
Loving and gracious God, help us be truthful in speech, for when that happens we are enabled to insert threads of love and understanding into the canvas that is the whole world. Amen. — CJ
Contributed by What’s Love Got to Do With It?
I've learned that many of us understand truth telling differently. Some weigh their words carefully in order not to offend. Others say nothing at all if they think the truth won't improve a situation. Then there are those who will say whatever they think, no matter who hears it or how it might damage others. It reminds me of this shrewd social media comment: "Do you remember when people had diaries and got mad if someone read them. Now they put everything online and get mad when people don't."
What truths does the author of Ephesians want God's people to share? Could it be that growing up into Christ means honestly sharing our stories, our concerns and questions, our joys and sorrows? Telling the truth about our experience of Christ's redeeming work in the world, of how life looks under that truth, admitting how we need to grow and inviting others to do the same, enables us to see others as lovable and loving partners as we grow into a community willing to care for the whole world.