What a timely reminder in this text. There’s David, resting in his house, because God has delivered him from all his enemies. He has his feet on the ottoman, his morning coffee at hand. The windows are wide open in order to enjoy the wonderful smells of the garden and the gentle morning breeze. And that’s when David imagines that because he is comfortable, it is up to him to make God comfortable. After all, he is the chosen, the one who has seen to God’s work in the land.
How often do we make God in our image, thinking that what we want, God wants, too? Or that we have the inside track on what the world needs. Or that our interpretation is the right one. I only wonder if we will listen when the prophet tells us, “No, I don’t want a house built by your hands. When I want a house, I will find the architect and the builder. But don’t worry. In the meantime, I will continue to do what I always do-love you.
God, our architect and engineer, we give thanks that you created us in love and sustain us in spite of the trouble we may cause. Remind us always of your everlasting presence and care. Amen. — CJ