The disciples are in the boat again in rough water (and so, I fear, may we be), this time after Jesus had fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. The gospel writer explains that the disciples’ unsuccessful pulling against the current was caused by their inability to understand what Jesus had just done.
Jesus had assured them that they had the resources needed to meet the challenge of many hungry folks, but they doubted and wanted to order in-if only they had more money.
Doubt often creates the wind that is against us.
My friends, doubts are nothing new. Jesus’ presence with us encourages us to pull through them. It is easier pulling when we realize that Jesus is with us. Jesus is with us in the loving words and actions that hearten us. So, let’s get back to being in mission for others! Christ’s love in us can feed the hungry around us.
Lord, we call to you. The wind seems against us, and we doubt that we can make it. Help us to trust in your love and overcome our doubts so that we can row ourselves and others safely home. Amen. — EB