Most kids look forward to this time of the year, when they can say goodbye to school routines and responsibilities, and hello to summer vacation and freedom. Other kids feel deep relief that they will now get a break from being taunted and tormented by bullies.
Schools have been very good in recent years, emphasizing that getting involved is the only way to make schoolyards safe and fun for everyone. The message has been that not doing anything about bullying is saying it is okay. Kids are encouraged to look after each other so that everyone can feel safe, have fun and focus on learning.
Bullying is something that is not limited to kids and schoolyards; it happens everywhere, including in our families, workplaces and churches.
Prophet Joshua did not just stand back when the Gideonites were going to be attacked by kings who had ganged up against them. Joshua heeded the Gideonites’ plea for help! He got involved, intervened and changed the outcome.
Getting involved is the only and the right thing to do, but it certainly is not the easiest. That is where we need prayer.
God of peace, grant us courage and desire to work for unity and safety of all without always worrying about ourselves first. Be with us as we extend ourselves beyond our comfort level. Amen. — ES