Does anyone really understand this mysterious and awe-inspiring book, with its images of life, death and destruction? With its characters representing things and occurrences past, present and future on the meaning of which we can only speculate? With our limited knowledge and scope, we cannot see the whole picture. Does anyone on earth know for sure when the events this book presents will occur? Does anyone know what its many symbols represent?
Be these things as they may, there is agreement generally that God is in control of history, that God has designed and created the world, redeemed it through the Son, the Lamb, and that God will someday come back to reclaim it. This book shows that God now looks at everything through the blood of God’s Son. What a comforting thought!
Our writer gives us a glimpse of the city that awaits us. We note the beauty, serenity and perfection all stemming from the presence of God and the Lamb. What a wondrous place. There will be the culmination of God’s work. There will be the unity of redeemer and redeemed forever.
God of the past, present and future, set our sights on the beautiful city prepared for us. Keep us ever mindful of your work to build it. Amen. — AEA