Wednesday June 13th, 2018 Luke 11:14-28
But he said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!" (verse 28)
I’ve lost count of the number of times I have acknowledged or agreed with something that someone has said without really hearing it. Sure, it would be easy to blame them. After all, I could say that they weren’t clear enough or better yet, they interrupted me while I was in my zone-that place I go to when I am in deep concentration. It can happen when I am reading, writing or even watching TV.
So how often does it occur? Too often. What’s the consequence? Misunderstandings to start with. What can be done about it? Plenty, starting with me admitting that it is primarily up to me to change. I cannot expect everyone else to change to suit my needs. Whether it is about ensuring that I stop whatever I am doing in order to give my full attention when being spoken to or simply being in the moment, ready to hear what is being said, doing so would be a gift to the other person. It would let them know that they are important and that I value what they have to say. It is a work in progress but one that is definitely worth the investment.
Lord God, you have given me the ability to choose. I choose to hear your words. Amen. — DR
Contributed by Out of the Zone
I've lost count of the number of times I have acknowledged or agreed with something that someone has said without really hearing it. Sure, it would be easy to blame them. After all, I could say that they weren't clear enough or better yet, they interrupted me while I was in my zone-that place I go to when I am in deep concentration. It can happen when I am reading, writing or even watching TV.
So how often does it occur? Too often. What's the consequence? Misunderstandings to start with. What can be done about it? Plenty, starting with me admitting that it is primarily up to me to change. I cannot expect everyone else to change to suit my needs. Whether it is about ensuring that I stop whatever I am doing in order to give my full attention when being spoken to or simply being in the moment, ready to hear what is being said, doing so would be a gift to the other person. It would let them know that they are important and that I value what they have to say. It is a work in progress but one that is definitely worth the investment.