Wednesday May 30th, 2018 1 Samuel 3:1-20
The word of the LORD was rare in those days? "Speak, for your servant is listening." (verses 1, 10)
In our time, those who say they’ve heard the Lord speaking to them are most often dismissed as, at best, odd. Yet many people have experienced just that-Noah, Abraham, Jacob, the prophets, Jesus, Paul, Peter, me and others. Are we in a time where God rarely speaks to us or is it that we are no longer listening?
What does God’s voice sound like? Is it like the voice I heard inside my head as I went home to tell my parents I had met the man whom I later married? “Don’t be afraid.” Then I was filled with a sense of peace and calm. Is it the times when a word or phrase in scripture seems to leap off the page and be spoken to me alone? Is it suddenly having a new idea about a problem I have brought before the Lord in prayer? Is it the urgent feeling that I should call or go to visit someone?
Ask God to speak to you, then listen in silence. Read or hear scripture every day. Spend time daily in prayer. Be open to hearing God’s voice in unexpected places and times, as well as through unexpected people.
Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. Amen. — CJD
Contributed by Listening for God’s Voice
In our time, those who say they've heard the Lord speaking to them are most often dismissed as, at best, odd. Yet many people have experienced just that-Noah, Abraham, Jacob, the prophets, Jesus, Paul, Peter, me and others. Are we in a time where God rarely speaks to us or is it that we are no longer listening?
What does God's voice sound like? Is it like the voice I heard inside my head as I went home to tell my parents I had met the man whom I later married? "Don't be afraid." Then I was filled with a sense of peace and calm. Is it the times when a word or phrase in scripture seems to leap off the page and be spoken to me alone? Is it suddenly having a new idea about a problem I have brought before the Lord in prayer? Is it the urgent feeling that I should call or go to visit someone?
Ask God to speak to you, then listen in silence. Read or hear scripture every day. Spend time daily in prayer. Be open to hearing God's voice in unexpected places and times, as well as through unexpected people.