God of Glory

I love thunderstorms. To see the lightening fork followed by a loud clap of thunder is at once thrilling and frightening. The night is suddenly flooded with brilliant light; the ground shakes. Truly, a wonder of nature.

David watched a particularly violent storm with vicious winds that shook the land (verses 5-6, 9), lightening that flashed (verses 7-8), rains that flooded the land (verse 10). And David immediately thought of the Lord, the perfect (seven times David mentions the voice of God, seven being the number of perfection), majestic, all-powerful God. And David worshipped, calling us to do likewise.

Do we think of God in the midst of a storm? I admit, it is easier to do so if we are safely in our homes during the storm and not under a tree. But stop and think: all those physical phenomena that we experience during the storm (thunder, rain, hail, snow?) are works of God’s hand. I can do some pretty amazing things, and I bet you can do even more, but you and I can’t come close to thunder, rain, snow, hail, wind. Not even close.

So the next time it storms, let’s take a minute to worship our all-powerful God.

All-powerful God, we stand amazed before your majesty. Amen. — DAB

Contributed by God of Glory

I love thunderstorms. To see the lightening fork followed by a loud clap of thunder is at once thrilling and frightening. The night is suddenly flooded with brilliant light; the ground shakes. Truly, a wonder of nature. David watched a particularly violent storm with vicious winds that shook the land (verses 5-6, 9), lightening that flashed (verses 7-8), rains that flooded the land (verse 10). And David immediately thought of the Lord, the perfect (seven times David mentions the voice of God, seven being the number of perfection), majestic, all-powerful God. And David worshipped, calling us to do likewise. Do we think of God in the midst of a storm? I admit, it is easier to do so if we are safely in our homes during the storm and not under a tree. But stop and think: all those physical phenomena that we experience during the storm (thunder, rain, hail, snow?) are works of God's hand. I can do some pretty amazing things, and I bet you can do even more, but you and I can't come close to thunder, rain, snow, hail, wind. Not even close. So the next time it storms, let's take a minute to worship our all-powerful God.
Eternity for Today