
This is one of those reversal statements we find all over scripture. It is not about us. We humble ourselves rather than exalt. We serve rather than be served. How are we doing with that? (On a personal level, this was the verse I chose for my ordination; how am I doing with it?)

We always lament that our pews are empty on Sunday mornings and getting emptier. Programs can’t run, committees stop functioning, we fear for the future. But maybe, just maybe, this is a good thing. What if all of those who are not sitting in the pews Sunday morning are out in the world letting their lights shine? What if they are doing the works Jesus talked about in yesterday’s lesson? Suddenly, empty pews don’t seem like a bad thing at all.

Now we know this is not always the case and may not even happen very often. But it is not about the church, is it? We were called to follow Jesus not so we could attend Bible study, wave our hands on Sunday morning, or sing in the choir. We were called in order to proclaim the mighty acts of God. (1 Peter 2:9) We are servants. Let us serve.

Teach us to be your servants, Jesus, so others may see you. Amen. — DAB

Contributed by Servants

This is one of those reversal statements we find all over scripture. It is not about us. We humble ourselves rather than exalt. We serve rather than be served. How are we doing with that? (On a personal level, this was the verse I chose for my ordination; how am I doing with it?) We always lament that our pews are empty on Sunday mornings and getting emptier. Programs can't run, committees stop functioning, we fear for the future. But maybe, just maybe, this is a good thing. What if all of those who are not sitting in the pews Sunday morning are out in the world letting their lights shine? What if they are doing the works Jesus talked about in yesterday's lesson? Suddenly, empty pews don't seem like a bad thing at all. Now we know this is not always the case and may not even happen very often. But it is not about the church, is it? We were called to follow Jesus not so we could attend Bible study, wave our hands on Sunday morning, or sing in the choir. We were called in order to proclaim the mighty acts of God. (1 Peter 2:9) We are servants. Let us serve.
Eternity for Today