Sunday March 18th, 2018 5th Sunday in Lent John 12:20-33
"Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say-'Father, save me from this hour'? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour." (verse 27)
While waiting for a parking spot at an appointment, I observed a young teenage girl with an older woman, whom I supposed to be her mother. The two were having a heated verbal exchange when the older woman began punching the teenager! In shock and horror, I laid on the horn, but the woman only continued her assault.
When the teenager got away, the woman followed, then I abandoned my car and chased after them. At the traffic light was a police cruiser, and I motioned frantically for the officer’s attention. Only when the teenager began screaming again did the officer clue in and hit her lights and siren to intercede.
After parking my car, I approached the officer to give her my card in case the young teenager needed a witness. The mother suggested in very colourful language how I should mind my own business and without thought, I said, “When you descended on that beautiful child of God, you made it my business. May you someday know the peace of Christ.”
Are you ready for your hour?
Creator of us all, be present with us when we arrive at our hour. Amen. — LP
Contributed by Have you come to your hour?
While waiting for a parking spot at an appointment, I observed a young teenage girl with an older woman, whom I supposed to be her mother. The two were having a heated verbal exchange when the older woman began punching the teenager! In shock and horror, I laid on the horn, but the woman only continued her assault.
When the teenager got away, the woman followed, then I abandoned my car and chased after them. At the traffic light was a police cruiser, and I motioned frantically for the officer's attention. Only when the teenager began screaming again did the officer clue in and hit her lights and siren to intercede.
After parking my car, I approached the officer to give her my card in case the young teenager needed a witness. The mother suggested in very colourful language how I should mind my own business and without thought, I said, "When you descended on that beautiful child of God, you made it my business. May you someday know the peace of Christ."
Are you ready for your hour?