Submit and believe

A Roman Catholic and an atheist walk into an Anglican/Lutheran Bible study. Maybe you’ve heard this one already? It’s not a joke, but a wonderful and blessed reality. Our Bible study welcomes anyone and everyone who wants to attend.

Our friend “Jim,” Roman Catholic since his days in the cradle, makes his way from church to church throughout our city, participating in Bible studies and whatever hospitality is offered. Jim says he was given the gift of understanding God’s written word at the age of 10 and doubts not one single word.

Our neighbour “Ralph,” an atheist for many to most of his days, likes to hang out at our Bible studies. Ralph takes great joy (and much time) in questioning and challenging everything being discussed. Ralph says, “How is it you all have such faith?” To which Jim responds without missing a beat and says, “Faith is about submitting to the Almighty, Ralph. Just submit and believe.”

It turns out, letting go of his own control and submitting was not something Ralph believed he could do. We are thankful for Ralph’s skepticism and disbelief for it helps us cling closer to Jesus.

You only ask that we turn to you in obedience and in return we receive your mercy, grace and love. Amen. — LP

Contributed by Submit and believe

A Roman Catholic and an atheist walk into an Anglican/Lutheran Bible study. Maybe you've heard this one already? It's not a joke, but a wonderful and blessed reality. Our Bible study welcomes anyone and everyone who wants to attend. Our friend "Jim," Roman Catholic since his days in the cradle, makes his way from church to church throughout our city, participating in Bible studies and whatever hospitality is offered. Jim says he was given the gift of understanding God's written word at the age of 10 and doubts not one single word. Our neighbour "Ralph," an atheist for many to most of his days, likes to hang out at our Bible studies. Ralph takes great joy (and much time) in questioning and challenging everything being discussed. Ralph says, "How is it you all have such faith?" To which Jim responds without missing a beat and says, "Faith is about submitting to the Almighty, Ralph. Just submit and believe." It turns out, letting go of his own control and submitting was not something Ralph believed he could do. We are thankful for Ralph's skepticism and disbelief for it helps us cling closer to Jesus.
Eternity for Today