Monday March 12th, 2018 Exodus 15:22-27
"?for I am the LORD who heals you." (verse 26)
In the past few chapters of Exodus, the Israelites have witnessed the 10 plagues of water turned to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, diseased livestock, boils, thunder and hail, locusts, darkness and the death of every first-born in the land of Egypt. On the heels of the plagues, the Israelites are given instruction for their first Passover, and before their bread had time to rise, the Israelites made haste for the Red Sea. After some further directions and a festival, Pharaoh is on the heels of God’s people and Moses parts the Red Sea for them to cross. Once they reached dry land, the walls of water fall, drowning Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
I envision thousands upon thousands of exhausted, weary bodies splayed hither and yon on the other side the Red Sea. God’s people of all ages, spanning many generations, each with their own experience of the past journey, but all thirsting just the same.
After all the testing, after all the work to survive, after all the fear, the Lord utters these words of compassion, balm for the weary and broken soul: “For I am the Lord who heals you.” And so begins a new journey of healing.
God of grace and God of glory, touch us with your healing love this day. Amen. — LP
Contributed by Divine Healing
In the past few chapters of Exodus, the Israelites have witnessed the 10 plagues of water turned to blood, frogs, gnats, flies, diseased livestock, boils, thunder and hail, locusts, darkness and the death of every first-born in the land of Egypt. On the heels of the plagues, the Israelites are given instruction for their first Passover, and before their bread had time to rise, the Israelites made haste for the Red Sea. After some further directions and a festival, Pharaoh is on the heels of God's people and Moses parts the Red Sea for them to cross. Once they reached dry land, the walls of water fall, drowning Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
I envision thousands upon thousands of exhausted, weary bodies splayed hither and yon on the other side the Red Sea. God's people of all ages, spanning many generations, each with their own experience of the past journey, but all thirsting just the same.
After all the testing, after all the work to survive, after all the fear, the Lord utters these words of compassion, balm for the weary and broken soul: "For I am the Lord who heals you." And so begins a new journey of healing.