Sunday March 11th, 2018 4th Sunday in Lent John 3:14-21
"?that the world might be saved through him." (verse 17)
A couple of years ago, Lexus came out with a commercial stating 90% of communication is non-verbal. They were promoting their vehicle’s “unspoken style,” that Lexus in itself is a symbol of status and luxury. You don’t even have to say anything when you roll up in your car because people will just know that you’re somebody. At least, that is what I gather the commercial to mean. Oh, I don’t drive a Lexus by the way, and probably never will.
Still, I think they were on to something. Symbols mean a lot to us and say much more than words ever could. We see someone’s fist with a thumb protruding upwards and we know what that means. We see a fist with another finger pointing up and we also know what that means. Symbols convey a message and sometimes evoke an emotional response.
What about the cross? What does that symbol mean to us? At a time, it was a symbol of death, guilt and condemnation. But now, because of what Jesus has done, it means hope, grace and salvation. We can look to the cross knowing that we are saved by grace through faith and that there is no longer any condemnation for us who are welcomed into God’s love.
Loving God, the cross to us is a symbol of new life. Thank you for saving us. Amen. — NF
Contributed by Symbolize the Symbolism
A couple of years ago, Lexus came out with a commercial stating 90% of communication is non-verbal. They were promoting their vehicle's "unspoken style," that Lexus in itself is a symbol of status and luxury. You don't even have to say anything when you roll up in your car because people will just know that you're somebody. At least, that is what I gather the commercial to mean. Oh, I don't drive a Lexus by the way, and probably never will.
Still, I think they were on to something. Symbols mean a lot to us and say much more than words ever could. We see someone's fist with a thumb protruding upwards and we know what that means. We see a fist with another finger pointing up and we also know what that means. Symbols convey a message and sometimes evoke an emotional response.
What about the cross? What does that symbol mean to us? At a time, it was a symbol of death, guilt and condemnation. But now, because of what Jesus has done, it means hope, grace and salvation. We can look to the cross knowing that we are saved by grace through faith and that there is no longer any condemnation for us who are welcomed into God's love.