This text asks us to compare (or contrast) our inner and our outer motivations.
Are we making a show of being faithful so that our egos are petted and soothed? Sometimes, we can excel just at looking good at doing good, regardless of the effect on the receiver of our work.
Or, are we focussing on doing God’s will in a way that actually blesses the other person, regardless of the cost to ourselves? Praying, fasting, giving alms and doing other good deeds can be easy or they can be costly and difficult. We can choose to be front and centre or in the background whilst undertaking these tasks.
It is obvious that Jesus preferred the more hidden route, although he did much of his work in public places. The only one who really needs to know is God, not to earn God’s favour, but as a way of offering God the praise and thanksgiving that show how very much we treasure the life, love and salvation we have been given.
God of all goodness, we offer ourselves-our wealth, our time and our possessions-to our neighbours and thus to you, in thanksgiving for who you are and how much we treasure you. Amen. — SB