Saturday February 3rd, 2018 1 Corinthians 9:16-23
?woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel! (verse 16)
Through Simeon we are reminded that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s covenant with Abraham. Simeon also tells Mary that some will violently oppose the new order that accompanies this action. Anna surprises us by announcing that, even though it may be painful at times, it is still good news! Jesus fulfills the promises that God made to Abraham and through him to the Jewish people. Jesus also fulfills God’s promises to all who are not part of God’s covenant with Abraham. No wonder Simeon says that he can finally rest in peace; he has seen God’s redemption and Anna starts spreading the news.
Freeing God, show us how to live for our neighbours. Amen. — VSR
Contributed by Preach Not the Gospel
Through Simeon we are reminded that Jesus is the fulfillment of God's covenant with Abraham. Simeon also tells Mary that some will violently oppose the new order that accompanies this action. Anna surprises us by announcing that, even though it may be painful at times, it is still good news! Jesus fulfills the promises that God made to Abraham and through him to the Jewish people. Jesus also fulfills God's promises to all who are not part of God's covenant with Abraham. No wonder Simeon says that he can finally rest in peace; he has seen God's redemption and Anna starts spreading the news.