Friday February 2nd, 2018 Presentation of Our Lord Luke 2:22-40
"?for my eyes have seen your salvation?" (verse 30)
As I write this devotion in late July, the temperature has been in the low 30s. If Wiarton Willie and Shubenacadie Sam were to appear, I would say, “Bring on the snow!” February 2 is about more than groundhogs and winter. Whether we call it the Presentation of the Lord or Candlemas, our focus is on Mary and Joseph as they bring Jesus to the temple and encounter two elderly people.
Through Simeon we are reminded that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s covenant with Abraham. Simeon also tells Mary that some will violently oppose the new order that accompanies this action. Anna surprises us by announcing that, even though it may be painful at times, it is still good news! Jesus fulfills the promises that God made to Abraham and through him to the Jewish people. Jesus also fulfills God’s promises to all who are not part of God’s covenant with Abraham. No wonder Simeon says that he can finally rest in peace; he has seen God’s redemption and Anna starts spreading the news.
Will winter last for six more weeks? I don’t know. But I do know that, winter or summer, God’s love for us will last forever.
Eternal God, you have come to bring light to our world. Help us to share that light with all who long for you. Amen. — VSR
Contributed by Winter or Spring
As I write this devotion in late July, the temperature has been in the low 30s. If Wiarton Willie and Shubenacadie Sam were to appear, I would say, "Bring on the snow!" February 2 is about more than groundhogs and winter. Whether we call it the Presentation of the Lord or Candlemas, our focus is on Mary and Joseph as they bring Jesus to the temple and encounter two elderly people.
Through Simeon we are reminded that Jesus is the fulfillment of God's covenant with Abraham. Simeon also tells Mary that some will violently oppose the new order that accompanies this action. Anna surprises us by announcing that, even though it may be painful at times, it is still good news! Jesus fulfills the promises that God made to Abraham and through him to the Jewish people. Jesus also fulfills God's promises to all who are not part of God's covenant with Abraham. No wonder Simeon says that he can finally rest in peace; he has seen God's redemption and Anna starts spreading the news.
Will winter last for six more weeks? I don't know. But I do know that, winter or summer, God's love for us will last forever.