
Think of times of waiting. Waiting for guests to arrive for a visit. Waiting for friends to arrive at a party. Waiting for a baby. What emotions come up? Joy and anticipation to be sure, but also hesitation and anxiousness.

Waiting evokes many emotions, and sometimes we don’t know what to do with ourselves while we wait. Do I tackle another project or just kill time? St. Paul instructs us to “live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.” (verse 35 New International Version) Living such a life means living a life of waiting devotion. It means taking time regularly to check our spiritual house and make sure it is in order. It means taking time to check ourselves and make sure our jobs are complete and our appearance is suitable. It means taking time to make sure we’re engaging in the things which will keep us on our toes, not those which distract us from what’s to come.

May we so live.

Lord Jesus, help us to live on the edge of enthusiasm and excitement, waiting for the day of your return. Help us to live life on our toes, ready to see you. Help us face our anxieties and hesitations. Help us share our excitement and joy. Amen. — KNM

Contributed by Waiting

Think of times of waiting. Waiting for guests to arrive for a visit. Waiting for friends to arrive at a party. Waiting for a baby. What emotions come up? Joy and anticipation to be sure, but also hesitation and anxiousness. Waiting evokes many emotions, and sometimes we don't know what to do with ourselves while we wait. Do I tackle another project or just kill time? St. Paul instructs us to "live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord." (verse 35 New International Version) Living such a life means living a life of waiting devotion. It means taking time regularly to check our spiritual house and make sure it is in order. It means taking time to check ourselves and make sure our jobs are complete and our appearance is suitable. It means taking time to make sure we're engaging in the things which will keep us on our toes, not those which distract us from what's to come. May we so live.
Eternity for Today