Friday January 12th, 2018 Psalm 139:1-6,13-18
O LORD, you have searched me and known me. (verse 1)
Psalm 139’s familiar words of praise remind us of the story we just heard last Sunday, the story of Jesus’ baptism. The language of being known and claimed by God should hearken us back to our own beginnings in faith. God has declared us to be beloved children, and that includes all the various parts of us, all the things there is to know about us.
God chose to love us despite knowing when we will sit and stand, despite knowing where we will come and go, despite knowing what words we will choose to say and to not say, despite knowing who we will become. And God knew all this while we were in our mother’s womb!
That says something about God. God loves us even when there are all kinds of reasons that suggest we are unlovable. And yet, knowing all this about us, God still claims us as children.
It is this knowledge that prompts us to declare God’s praise with the psalmist; God chose us to love us first.
In you, O Lord, we fearfully and wonderfully belong. Amen. — EP
Contributed by Name and Claimed
Psalm 139's familiar words of praise remind us of the story we just heard last Sunday, the story of Jesus' baptism. The language of being known and claimed by God should hearken us back to our own beginnings in faith. God has declared us to be beloved children, and that includes all the various parts of us, all the things there is to know about us.
God chose to love us despite knowing when we will sit and stand, despite knowing where we will come and go, despite knowing what words we will choose to say and to not say, despite knowing who we will become. And God knew all this while we were in our mother's womb!
That says something about God. God loves us even when there are all kinds of reasons that suggest we are unlovable. And yet, knowing all this about us, God still claims us as children.
It is this knowledge that prompts us to declare God's praise with the psalmist; God chose us to love us first.