Monday January 1st, 2018 Name of Jesus Matthew 25:31-46
"And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'" (verse 40)
Jesus has told us that we are to feed him, clothe him, visit him in prison, and look after him when he is sick. We look at this and wonder how we can do this when he is in heaven with God. But then he goes on to explain that if we do these things to someone who is in need, we are actually doing it to him.
I have a person who phones me at least five times a day. I realize that by listening to the concerns that she has it is in fact as if Jesus is listening to her. Because Jesus is too far away for her to phone him, I can hear her out and maybe point out some of the things that Jesus would want her to hear. I realize that being God’s ear is my way of helping her as Jesus asks us to do in this chapter.
It’s not difficult to do it to the least of these.
Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the ability to listen and pray for those who need someone to listen. Amen. — ES
Contributed by A Helping Hand or In This Case A Listening Ear
Jesus has told us that we are to feed him, clothe him, visit him in prison, and look after him when he is sick. We look at this and wonder how we can do this when he is in heaven with God. But then he goes on to explain that if we do these things to someone who is in need, we are actually doing it to him.
I have a person who phones me at least five times a day. I realize that by listening to the concerns that she has it is in fact as if Jesus is listening to her. Because Jesus is too far away for her to phone him, I can hear her out and maybe point out some of the things that Jesus would want her to hear. I realize that being God's ear is my way of helping her as Jesus asks us to do in this chapter.
It's not difficult to do it to the least of these.