As I recall, I never could remember those recitations at our annual Sunday school Christmas programs. Never one to memorize easily, in front of an audience my mind went blank. The upside was to learn in time to think in front of an audience. Out of failure came thanks.
This coming week is full of many events and occasions where things can go wrong or right. There is no other time of the year when so many things come at once. Programs in school and church can be uplifting or a disaster. Friends and relatives coming and going. Presents and food to be bought where funds are limited. Worry about the weather for travelling. In all of this we are to give thanks.
A certain grandmother always sent a cheque to each of her grandchildren at Christmas. She did not know what they needed or wanted so it was the best way. But she never received thanks. So one year she “forgot” to sign her checks. So one by one they paid her a visit to get her signature and to thank her. A lesson was learned, to give thanks in all circumstances!
Help us, O God, in the days ahead, to treasure the gift you have given us in Jesus. May we be thankful, whatever may come our way. Amen. — SN