Today’s reading is a heart-wrenching commentary on who God is in relationship to us with all of our flaws. Just when it seems hopeless to maintain our relationship (“you have hidden your face from us”) the prophet reminds God of the nature of the relationship-Holy Creator and imperfect creation.
I have two small dogs at home. I can go out for four hours or four minutes and the greeting when I walk in the door is the same: a whirlwind drama of wagging tails and spinning bodies. There is no doubt that regardless of what I have done while away, I am loved unconditionally, despite the looks of sulky misery when I am putting on my shoes to leave. My dogs are reminders of the joy that is experienced when love sets the foundation of relationship.
I can’t even fathom God’s love for me. It can be hard to believe that we are loved, especially when we are feeling especially inadequate. Instead of moving away from God in shame, we are invited to draw close and experience the peace of belonging to God.
My dogs are a holy reminder to me of God’s love, forgetful of my flaws and full of delight with who I am, just as I am.
God of the prophets, we give you thanks for the prophets. May we draw courage from their example and know that we, too, are yours. Amen. — SP