Saturday November 18th, 2017 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
?for you are all children of light and children of the day? (verse 5)
What an uplifting text, the perfect message with which to end the week. We are children of light. At baptism a candle is given with the charge: let your light so shine. The light we bear has been gifted to us by our Lord Jesus. Along with the light, we have been breathed upon with the very breath of God, the Holy Spirit. Let our lights shine, people. Let them shine brightly.
All week we have read texts which stress keeping alert, doing the work of God in our world. These are difficult texts. It is hard to keep getting slammed with commands. We can be overwhelmed by all the work that is left to do. We need affirmation, and Paul gives it to us. We are children of light, of the day.
No, we are not perfect. Yes, we have had our slip-ups. But we are called by God, blessed by Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit. We are God’s people, no better but certainly no worse than people like Abraham, David, John or Paul. We arm ourselves with God-given faith and love, and the hope of salvation, then we go out to serve the Lord.
For God has chosen us, destined us. We, of all people, are blessed. Praise the Lord!
Thank you, loving God, for choosing and sending us. Amen. — DAB
Contributed by Blessed Children
What an uplifting text, the perfect message with which to end the week. We are children of light. At baptism a candle is given with the charge: let your light so shine. The light we bear has been gifted to us by our Lord Jesus. Along with the light, we have been breathed upon with the very breath of God, the Holy Spirit. Let our lights shine, people. Let them shine brightly.
All week we have read texts which stress keeping alert, doing the work of God in our world. These are difficult texts. It is hard to keep getting slammed with commands. We can be overwhelmed by all the work that is left to do. We need affirmation, and Paul gives it to us. We are children of light, of the day.
No, we are not perfect. Yes, we have had our slip-ups. But we are called by God, blessed by Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit. We are God's people, no better but certainly no worse than people like Abraham, David, John or Paul. We arm ourselves with God-given faith and love, and the hope of salvation, then we go out to serve the Lord.
For God has chosen us, destined us. We, of all people, are blessed. Praise the Lord!