Monday November 13th, 2017 Amos 5:18-24
But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. (verse 24)
In yesterday’s reading, Jesus encouraged us to keep alert. Nearly eight hundred years before Jesus, Amos said the very same thing. The people of Amos’ day were very 21st century AD in their thinking and behaviour. They were greedy, thought more of themselves than others, didn’t care if others were trampled on or deprived, as long as they got what they wanted. And, like some in our day, they loved their worship. I am sure that if you asked them, they would tell you they were solid, God-fearing folk.
But God was not buying it. Through the prophet Amos God thundered, I don’t care about your worship, your offerings, your hymns, your rituals. In fact, I hate them. I will not accept your offerings, will not listen to your prayers. What I want, no, what I demand, God continued, is justice, righteousness.
It holds true today. What God wants is not for us to sit with our noses stuck in the Book, or our hands raised in worship. What God wants is for us to be doing the works of God, works which Jesus modelled, works that led directly to the cross. These works? To bring God’s kingdom of love, justice, righteousness, mercy, peace and abundance to all people.
Lord Jesus, empower us to continue the work which you began, so all may have your abundant life. Amen. — DAB
Contributed by Let Justice Roll
In yesterday's reading, Jesus encouraged us to keep alert. Nearly eight hundred years before Jesus, Amos said the very same thing. The people of Amos' day were very 21st century AD in their thinking and behaviour. They were greedy, thought more of themselves than others, didn't care if others were trampled on or deprived, as long as they got what they wanted. And, like some in our day, they loved their worship. I am sure that if you asked them, they would tell you they were solid, God-fearing folk.
But God was not buying it. Through the prophet Amos God thundered, I don't care about your worship, your offerings, your hymns, your rituals. In fact, I hate them. I will not accept your offerings, will not listen to your prayers. What I want, no, what I demand, God continued, is justice, righteousness.
It holds true today. What God wants is not for us to sit with our noses stuck in the Book, or our hands raised in worship. What God wants is for us to be doing the works of God, works which Jesus modelled, works that led directly to the cross. These works? To bring God's kingdom of love, justice, righteousness, mercy, peace and abundance to all people.