Saturday November 4th, 2017 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13
We also constantly give thanks to God for this, that when you received the word of God that you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word but as it really is, God's word, which is also at work in you believers. (verse 13)
How blessed the Christians in Thessalonica must have felt as they read Paul’s words of thanks and encouragement. In the face of persecution, they would have been strengthened in their purpose by this endorsement of their growth in the Christ-centered life.
These are blessed words for us, too. What peace and relief comes to me when I remember that all I need to know can be found in God’s word, and that since the Word, Jesus, lives in me through my baptism, he is at work helping me live and grow.
Thank you, ever-present God, that I have your word to guide me, and the Holy Spirit at work in my life. Amen. — RK
Contributed by God’s Word at Work
How blessed the Christians in Thessalonica must have felt as they read Paul's words of thanks and encouragement. In the face of persecution, they would have been strengthened in their purpose by this endorsement of their growth in the Christ-centered life.
These are blessed words for us, too. What peace and relief comes to me when I remember that all I need to know can be found in God's word, and that since the Word, Jesus, lives in me through my baptism, he is at work helping me live and grow.