What is a saint? It’s easy to think of the apostles and other holy people from history for whom churches are named. In modern times, we have the example of Mother Teresa and others like Jean Vanier who have not been formally canonized but exemplify the saintly life. But did you know you are a saint? One of our former pastors used to make the children giggle by addressing them as Saint (name) on All Saints Sunday, to remind us that, as members of the body of Christ, we are also members of the communion of saints.
As I am writing this, it is the first anniversary of the death of my younger brother. I am greatly comforted to know that my brother, who was a person of faith, is among those saints who have passed into eternity, and that we saints who are still living will join them one day. Thanks be to God!
Comforting God, thank you for the promises you give us in your word of eternal life with you. May we live our lives so as to be worthy of the name saint. Amen. — RK