For the past two years in the fall, Epiphany Lutheran, Winnipeg, has held an event called The Great Giveaway. The first year about 100 people came; the second year, over 200.
In the area around Epiphany, there are many low-income families, refugee families, foreign students and others in need. For a couple of months prior to the event, congregational members and others bring clothes, furniture, toys, bedding, appliances, dishes, you name it. Posters go out into the community.
People are invited to come and take what they need. A lunch is also offered, for some people are hungry. The congregation shares out of its abundance. There is much joy in the church basement, as people are trying on warm winter coats, children are playing with new toys or riding tricycles, while others are enjoying a hot cup of coffee or some homemade soup and a hot dog.
There is much gratitude from those receiving and those who are giving, gratitude to our Lord God, who provides so abundantly to us so that we might share with our sisters and brothers in need.
Bountiful God, thank you for providing for our needs. Stir us always to share out of your goodness to us, so that with warm hearts, we reach out to those around us with love, generosity and humility. Amen. — DS