Sunday September 24th, 2017 16th Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 20:1-16
"Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?" (verse 15)
On a study tour to Israel in 1994, we saw men, like those in this parable, lining the road into Jerusalem, day labourers looking for work. If they were chosen by a passing construction manager or landowner, they would have work and wages for the day. If not, they and their families would go without.
Let’s be clear. This parable is not about fair employment practices. It is not about a landowner who needs help, but about a landowner who helps others. And sometimes we react like the workers hired in the morning. We have worked hard for what we have, and we react negatively to schemes meant to assure that everyone in our society has enough to live. We think everyone should have to work as hard as we do!
We all receive God’s gifts of grace, and we can easily slip into thinking we have earned them. As well, we think that certain people do not deserve God’s gifts. But the truth is that it is not about deserving. God can be as generous as God chooses to be!
Generous God, forgive us when we wish to limit the scope of your generosity. Instead let us help to share your gifts widely. Amen. — JN
Contributed by God’s Offensive Generosity
On a study tour to Israel in 1994, we saw men, like those in this parable, lining the road into Jerusalem, day labourers looking for work. If they were chosen by a passing construction manager or landowner, they would have work and wages for the day. If not, they and their families would go without.
Let's be clear. This parable is not about fair employment practices. It is not about a landowner who needs help, but about a landowner who helps others. And sometimes we react like the workers hired in the morning. We have worked hard for what we have, and we react negatively to schemes meant to assure that everyone in our society has enough to live. We think everyone should have to work as hard as we do!
We all receive God's gifts of grace, and we can easily slip into thinking we have earned them. As well, we think that certain people do not deserve God's gifts. But the truth is that it is not about deserving. God can be as generous as God chooses to be!