Wednesday September 6th, 2017 Revelation 3:1-13
"Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is on the point of death?" (verse 2)
I have a really bad habit. I am one of those people who have trouble putting down my cell phone. The second it rings or vibrates I have a strong need to look at it. I am constantly checking texts, emails, Facebook and Twitter alerts. Some of them are important but most are not. A very miniscule percentage of them require immediate action.
The NRSV translation of the Bible has translated the first word in Revelation 3:2 as “Wake up,” but the original Greek might also be translated as “be on the alert” or “be in constant readiness.”
I am tempted to say that my cell phone habit keeps me in constant readiness and that I am “on the alert.” Fortunately I have some close friends (you know who you are) with whom I have some very strong open and honest relationships. They care enough to be willing to tell me to “wake up,” pointing out that such anti-social behaviour does exactly the opposite. Thanks to them I am changing this bad habit and strengthening what remains of my social interaction skills before any relationships reach the point of death.
Dear God, it is so easy to be distracted from what is important. I have ears; help me to listen. Amen. — SWH
Contributed by Let Anyone Who Has an Ear Listen
I have a really bad habit. I am one of those people who have trouble putting down my cell phone. The second it rings or vibrates I have a strong need to look at it. I am constantly checking texts, emails, Facebook and Twitter alerts. Some of them are important but most are not. A very miniscule percentage of them require immediate action.
The NRSV translation of the Bible has translated the first word in Revelation 3:2 as "Wake up," but the original Greek might also be translated as "be on the alert" or "be in constant readiness."
I am tempted to say that my cell phone habit keeps me in constant readiness and that I am "on the alert." Fortunately I have some close friends (you know who you are) with whom I have some very strong open and honest relationships. They care enough to be willing to tell me to "wake up," pointing out that such anti-social behaviour does exactly the opposite. Thanks to them I am changing this bad habit and strengthening what remains of my social interaction skills before any relationships reach the point of death.