It was clear that the rumour mill had done its work. The person with whom he was speaking knew too much. He had been fed from some source. Though the information was not entirely correct, much of it was accurate. Rumour, innuendo, accusation, in short-gossip. With time, the winds of gossip grow stronger and eventually batter us, threatening the very core of our identity and integrity.
Jesus calms even this storm. Winds and sea obey him. Jesus’ identity and integrity are revealed to the disciples more in action than words. And it is revealed to we who are perishing with the storms of this life, too, be it the storms of gossip, rumour, the storms of a cancer diagnosis, the storms of a lost job or worse. And like the disciples, we, too, are utterly amazed when we see Jesus walking alongside us, showing us grace, peace and mercy, as he helps us through even the worst situation imaginable.
O Jesus, you calm the most disastrous of storms and are an ever-present help in times of trouble. We call out in our distress and you are already there with us. You respond with grace, calm and love, and call us to do the same, living in integrity and truth. Amen. — FS