Thursday June 8th, 2017 Genesis 1:1-2,4
God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. (verse 31)
In the beginning, God turned the earth from a dark and formless void into a place of order and beauty. How? By speaking and by a wind (ruach in Hebrew, perhaps better translated as spirit). God speaks and so it happens. God spoke words like: light, separate, gathered, vegetation, seasons, living creatures, humankind in our image, and it was very good! God’s creation is very good. All that God brings about through Word and Spirit is very
Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and that God continues to speak to us in and through Jesus Christ. Christians also believe in the Spirit of God, a ruach wind, through whom God brings us forgiveness anew each day. God’s good creation is scarred by our sin. We, too, are scarred by our sin. But out of the chaos of our hearts and lives, God still brings forth order and beauty, just like in Genesis. We might not always think so highly of ourselves as people, but we are part of God’s very good creation, and by Word and Spirit, God forgives us and makes us new. We are beautiful in God’s eyes. God made us; we are very good.
O God, help me to see beauty in people and all creation in the way that you see us. Amen. — ANS
Contributed by You are very good
In the beginning, God turned the earth from a dark and formless void into a place of order and beauty. How? By speaking and by a wind (ruach in Hebrew, perhaps better translated as spirit). God speaks and so it happens. God spoke words like: light, separate, gathered, vegetation, seasons, living creatures, humankind in our image, and it was very good! God's creation is very good. All that God brings about through Word and Spirit is very
Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and that God continues to speak to us in and through Jesus Christ. Christians also believe in the Spirit of God, a ruach wind, through whom God brings us forgiveness anew each day. God's good creation is scarred by our sin. We, too, are scarred by our sin. But out of the chaos of our hearts and lives, God still brings forth order and beauty, just like in Genesis. We might not always think so highly of ourselves as people, but we are part of God's very good creation, and by Word and Spirit, God forgives us and makes us new. We are beautiful in God's eyes. God made us; we are very good.