It seems to me that reading the news is becoming more and more discouraging. Recently, I have had many conversations lamenting the realities of the world today. “What is the world coming to?” people ask.
However, I have a suspicion that people have been asking this same question since the dawn of time. I think that people have always had reason to feel that the world was in trouble and that things have never been so bad. That sounds like a lot of bad news, but I don’t think it is; I think that’s reason to hope.
The psalmist declares that God is a refuge, a rock and a fortress. The psalmist reminds us that our days are in the hands of God, which is something that has also been true since the dawn of time. The good news is that even in the midst of the troubles of our world, God is still God. Our God is a God who makes good happen from bad; our God even turns death into a promise of new life.
Remind us, God, that you are powerful and mighty and good. Give us faith that you are always at work in the world and help us to remember that our times are in your hands. Amen. — JEM