God’s Promise

Grace. God’s grace. God’s radical grace. No matter how you look at it, no matter how you understand and experience it, God’s grace is always there. That is and has always been God’s promise to humankind and to all creation.

In the days of this reading, God’s promise of grace was given to the people of Israel at a time when the threat of attack, defeat and exile were very real possibilities. God’s grace to the people was that even if attack, defeat and exile occurred, the people would once again return home and rebuild.

In our own times God’s promise of grace is given. We may not necessarily be sent into physical exile but we certainly can experience exile in other ways. We can experience separation, loss, fear, hopelessness and isolation. God’s promise of grace reminds us that no matter what we experience and live through, no matter who we are or who we are perceived to be, we have a beautiful gift of grace that changes everything about who we are, how we see the world, God and ourselves.

How has grace changed you and who you are?

God of grace, thank you for this wonderful gift that changes everything. Help us to make the most of it. Amen. — RCW

Contributed by God’s Promise

Grace. God's grace. God's radical grace. No matter how you look at it, no matter how you understand and experience it, God's grace is always there. That is and has always been God's promise to humankind and to all creation. In the days of this reading, God's promise of grace was given to the people of Israel at a time when the threat of attack, defeat and exile were very real possibilities. God's grace to the people was that even if attack, defeat and exile occurred, the people would once again return home and rebuild. In our own times God's promise of grace is given. We may not necessarily be sent into physical exile but we certainly can experience exile in other ways. We can experience separation, loss, fear, hopelessness and isolation. God's promise of grace reminds us that no matter what we experience and live through, no matter who we are or who we are perceived to be, we have a beautiful gift of grace that changes everything about who we are, how we see the world, God and ourselves. How has grace changed you and who you are?
Eternity for Today