What a wonderful question! What are we talking about as we walk along? Storytelling is a very powerful medium for sharing not only thoughts about life, but also to share our foundational faith stories. We are all on our road to Emmaus, and we do not walk alone, do we?
As our ELCIC has done in recent years through its Call to Spiritual Renewal initiative, we are encouraged to share our story, to tell our story. As we actively share our story and listen to the stories of our neighbours, we begin to build bridges of understanding and friendship. This gives us the opportunity to broaden our understanding of our neighbours and what makes them who they are.
In our modern world and in the current atmosphere of fear and paranoia about those who differ from us, sharing our stories with each other can become a doorway into a new sense and experience of hopefulness and friendship, with the goal of peace in communities and in our world.
God who walks with us, give us the courage to tell our story and the trust to listen to the stories of our neighbours so that we can leave behind fear and walk together as friends. Amen. — RCW