
John the Baptist is one of my biblical heroes. Our picture of him at first glance is not flattering; living in the desert, dressed in camel’s hair, a weird diet and boldly speaking a strange new message. People came from the whole Judean countryside because John spoke the truth in humility. People are attracted by biblically correct sincerity. John knew his mission, his life’s work, right from the beginning. John the Baptist was the warm-up band for Jesus.

Those persons who are the warm-up bands in the scheme of things are so very indispensable. The nurse who prepped my wife for the doctor to deliver our baby daughter, early childhood education teachers who imbed the quality fundamentals of learning into children, that secretary who sets up a meeting after a ton of photocopying for a group of executives, and the list goes on.

The honour of baptizing Jesus shows the favour and blessing of God on this unusual man who conducted the people to be in tune for our Lord’s coming.

In reality, the best place to warm up is in the arms of Jesus.

Lord, help us to follow John's example and be on the bandwagon for Jesus Christ. Amen. — G&CW

Contributed by Harmony

John the Baptist is one of my biblical heroes. Our picture of him at first glance is not flattering; living in the desert, dressed in camel's hair, a weird diet and boldly speaking a strange new message. People came from the whole Judean countryside because John spoke the truth in humility. People are attracted by biblically correct sincerity. John knew his mission, his life's work, right from the beginning. John the Baptist was the warm-up band for Jesus. Those persons who are the warm-up bands in the scheme of things are so very indispensable. The nurse who prepped my wife for the doctor to deliver our baby daughter, early childhood education teachers who imbed the quality fundamentals of learning into children, that secretary who sets up a meeting after a ton of photocopying for a group of executives, and the list goes on. The honour of baptizing Jesus shows the favour and blessing of God on this unusual man who conducted the people to be in tune for our Lord's coming. In reality, the best place to warm up is in the arms of Jesus.
Eternity for Today