Thursday April 13th, 2017 Maundy Thursday Acts 10:34-43
"?he went about doing good?They put him to death by hanging him on a tree." (verses 38,39)
“No good deed goes unpunished.” So said Oscar Wilde, citing a centuries old proverb. In other words, good works and acts of kindness often go unappreciated, or are even met with outright hostility.
Never was this more true than in the life of Jesus. During his entire ministry Jesus had to deal with critics and fault finders. They questioned his authority when he taught or forgave sins. They took offence when he associated with the wrong kind of people. They accused him of being a Sabbath breaker, of blasphemy, even of being possessed. It was infuriating to these religious leaders to have their traditions disrespected.
All the love the Son of God showed in doing good-raising the dead, healing, feeding, and comforting-could not overcome their hate. In their judgment, this troublemaker had to die. But God had the final word, raising Jesus on the third day, the endorsement of the ultimate good work of God’s son.
By Christ’s death and resurrection we are set free to do what Jesus did: meet the needs of others. May we never hesitate to do something good because we fear it may cost us too much.
Help me to be good and do good, Jesus. Amen. — KBL
Contributed by Doing good takes boldness
"No good deed goes unpunished." So said Oscar Wilde, citing a centuries old proverb. In other words, good works and acts of kindness often go unappreciated, or are even met with outright hostility.
Never was this more true than in the life of Jesus. During his entire ministry Jesus had to deal with critics and fault finders. They questioned his authority when he taught or forgave sins. They took offence when he associated with the wrong kind of people. They accused him of being a Sabbath breaker, of blasphemy, even of being possessed. It was infuriating to these religious leaders to have their traditions disrespected.
All the love the Son of God showed in doing good-raising the dead, healing, feeding, and comforting-could not overcome their hate. In their judgment, this troublemaker had to die. But God had the final word, raising Jesus on the third day, the endorsement of the ultimate good work of God's son.
By Christ's death and resurrection we are set free to do what Jesus did: meet the needs of others. May we never hesitate to do something good because we fear it may cost us too much.