In doing some research for a family reunion I discovered a godly heritage that stretches back into the1700s. How I would love to have known some of those relatives, especially my paternal great-grandmother Karen Marie.
In doing some research for a family reunion I discovered a godly heritage that stretches back into the1700s. How I would love to have known some of those relatives, especially my paternal great-grandmother Karen Marie.
Included in his message were these words: “Do we give thanks enough for our holy forebears? I have had holy forebears on both my father’s and mother’s side. Never let the name of Jesus die in our family.”
Each Sunday the prayers of the church offer us the opportunity to remember those dear to us who have nurtured us in the faith and carried us in their prayers. We give thanks for them and all the saints whose witness still speaks.
My grandmother saw her mother for the last time in 1911. Now she has joined her in that great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us.
Gracious God, we give thanks for the generations before us who declared your power and praised your works. Gather us with them into the great cloud of witnesses. Amen. — KBL