This a favourite memory verse because it’s so short! Only two words in other translations: Jesus wept! Can’t get much easier to memorize than that.
But those few words are loaded with meaning, especially in this later version, using four words. For Jesus, the death of his dear friend Lazarus was not simply a very brief time of passing emotion. The original Bible words indicate Jesus wept for a prolonged time.
Thus, our fully human Lord, though also divine, is one who continues to feel along with us in our most challenging experiences, empathizing with us for as long as we need. How good to know that we are never left alone with our heartaches and sorrows and disappointments. Jesus begins and continues to weep with us, too, in every difficulty.
But there is more to this short verse. The weeping Jesus goes on to raise Lazarus from the dead, astounding for the Lazarus crowd-and for Lazarus, too, I’m sure! So resurrection after some weeping also gives us confidence that Christ will see us through the worst of our own times, too, and give new life now and for all eternity.
Thanks and praise to you, O God, for weeping with me for as long as I need, as well as giving me confidence for life anew. Amen. — AAG