
This passage is the basis of the song “Dem Bones.” God orders Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones; Ezekiel follows God’s order to the letter. The result: God is pleased and keeps the promise to give life to the bones.

No doubt you know people who have hip or knee replacements, or legs or arms that have been broken and mended. When they followed the doctor’s instructions they were most likely properly healed. However, I know many people who have not followed the doctor’s orders and now complain that things didn’t turn out well.

God has given us advice, instructions and rules to follow that will ensure that life will go smoothly. Do we listen as individual Christians? Do we listen as a nation?

This resurrection of the bones worked because Ezekiel listened to God’s voice and obeyed. Think about this the next time we want to complain that something did not work. Could it be we did not heed God’s voice? Could it be that we are the problem?

Please help us obey your rules, O Lord. Thank you for giving us your word so clearly. Amen. — GS

Contributed by Obedience

This passage is the basis of the song "Dem Bones." God orders Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones; Ezekiel follows God's order to the letter. The result: God is pleased and keeps the promise to give life to the bones. No doubt you know people who have hip or knee replacements, or legs or arms that have been broken and mended. When they followed the doctor's instructions they were most likely properly healed. However, I know many people who have not followed the doctor's orders and now complain that things didn't turn out well. God has given us advice, instructions and rules to follow that will ensure that life will go smoothly. Do we listen as individual Christians? Do we listen as a nation? This resurrection of the bones worked because Ezekiel listened to God's voice and obeyed. Think about this the next time we want to complain that something did not work. Could it be we did not heed God's voice? Could it be that we are the problem?
Eternity for Today