When instant gratification seems to be a priority for most, the invitation to worship is often easily declined. Some may take a moment to justify their response if they bother at all, “I’m too busy.” “I don’t need to be with other people to worship.” “I don’t get anything out of it.”

However those who do come, who gather with others to worship and to bow before the Lord our maker, not only keep the first three commandments, they gradually grow into people with proper priorities. Given time, each learns that God, not me, is the centre of life and that God’s ways bring true gratification and satisfaction.

Ironically, we often do get something out of worshipping with others. When we sing songs that may not be our thing, learn to appreciate distracting, rambunctious children, are challenged by ideas that take us way out of our comfort zones, we find ourselves involved in wonderful things we would neverhave dreamed of doing.

We share worship with others we might otherwise avoid or never know. Although it’s not always easy to be with them, over time we become important to each other as together we bow before our maker and sing our praises.

Gracious God, help me to bow before you and sing your praise. Amen. — KW

Contributed by RSVP

When instant gratification seems to be a priority for most, the invitation to worship is often easily declined. Some may take a moment to justify their response if they bother at all, "I'm too busy." "I don't need to be with other people to worship." "I don't get anything out of it." However those who do come, who gather with others to worship and to bow before the Lord our maker, not only keep the first three commandments, they gradually grow into people with proper priorities. Given time, each learns that God, not me, is the centre of life and that God's ways bring true gratification and satisfaction. Ironically, we often do get something out of worshipping with others. When we sing songs that may not be our thing, learn to appreciate distracting, rambunctious children, are challenged by ideas that take us way out of our comfort zones, we find ourselves involved in wonderful things we would neverhave dreamed of doing. We share worship with others we might otherwise avoid or never know. Although it's not always easy to be with them, over time we become important to each other as together we bow before our maker and sing our praises.
Eternity for Today