Every day the news reports the sins of the world, bringing home to us that we are indeed one world, a global village, united in our humanity. Walls between nations, races, religions and political parties are no longer possible. The action of any one of us affects us all. We weep with those who weep. We are either part of the solution or part of the problem.
God gave us freedom to do right and wrong, and like our parents, Adam and Eve, we are all sinners. We all share in the shame of sin and its terrible consequences for the world.
Our loving God could not let this happen without doing something about it. God in Christ became incarnate, in complete solidarity with humanity, dying under the weight of human evil.
In this way, there was a great exchange: our sins became Christ’s and his holiness became ours. By birth we are one body in Adam. By baptism we are one body in Christ. Our togetherness in sin has been trumped by our togetherness in Christ.
Let us celebrate our unity and solidarity with Christ this Sunday in Holy Communion.
Dear God, let your Holy Spirit move us to a closer union with Christ, so that we may feel free to be closer in union with one another. Amen. — JH